Wine Club
3 Bottle Wine Club – Silver
3 bottles of hand selected Silvia Cellar wines
$99.99 plus $20 shipping, every six months
- 20% off and free shipping for any additional wine purchase via on-line sale ( 3 bottles minimum, with a special code)
- As a member you will have the opportunity to book a private wine tasting in our tasting room ( free for 2 people )
- 25% off any bottles purchase during tasting
- Weekly Complimentary Tasting for two and 50% discount on tasting for other members of your group. (5 person maximum)
- Free to cancel your membership after the first shipping ( you will be charge for the wine we ship)
- Quarterly Winemakers Dinner Parties at Wine Gallery Wine bar San CarlosĀ * ( Silvia Cellars additional Tasting Room )
- Only $25.00 for Wine Club Members (2) $40.00 for Wine Member’s Guests Party includes Dinner, Dessert, 2 Glasses of Wine, and Dancing!